Saturday 9 January 2016

Starting at the beginning...

Brooke (posh name-Licosateria Mai Rising Star) is a shaded sable Shetland Sheepdog born in 2011. We have owned her since she was 8 weeks old and she is the most fantastic little girly! She was bred by Lian Knight who owns her Daddy Sing and brother Sonic. Brooke had a gorgeous litter of three pups in January last year and they are just gorgeous! Before puppies Brooke had won into Grade 7 agility. (For more info about Brooke and her beautiful boys please click on the link on the right.)

In March last year Brooke injured herself on a stairgate and damaged a ligament in her shoulder. After a lot of physio and months of rest it hadn't improved. On arthoscopic examination it was found that Brooke had a lot of calcium deposits in her biceps tendon as her body had overreacted to the inflammation, so in October 2015 she had her biceps tendon cut to relieve her from the pain. This blog is a diary of her rehabilitation mostly as a record for us and also if it helps anyone else whose dog has had this operation.

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